Sunday, April 25, 2010

20 word

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - adjective - word meaning fantastic.

sentence:I want to be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious at everything.

Finance- –noun
The management of revenues; the conduct or transaction of money matters generally.

sentence: I want to be a finance manager.

Legal- Adjective Permitted by law
–noun A person who acts in a legal manner or with legal authority.

sentence: The age of 18 is the legal age of driving.

Contract-noun-An agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified.
Adjective: Under contract; governed or arranged by special contract: a contract carrier.

sentence: We signed a contract with a big company to build our home.

Economic -Adjective: Pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities

sentence: I'm trying to read an economic newspaper but it's boring.

Interpretverb- to explain something; give an explanation.

sentence: I am trying to interpret what I read

Established- verb-bring into being on a firm or stable basis.

sentence: The telephone was established in 1876.

Individualadjective single; particular; separate: to number individual copies of a limited edition.

sentence: I did an individual project.

Environment- noun-The aggregate of surrounding things.

sentence: Keeping the environment clean is society's duty.

Beneficial- adjective-Conferring benefit; advantageous; helpful: the beneficial effect of sunshine.

sentence: The cars are beneficial but they cause a lot of pollution.

Assess- verb. To estimate officially the value

sentence: My teacher will assess this work.

Functionnoun. The kind of action or activity proper to a person
Verb. To perform a specified action or activity

sentence: My brother function in the society is a lawyer.

Structure- noun. mode of building, construction, or organization

sentence: The managers know the structure of the company.

Sections- noun. A part that is cut off or separated
Verb -To cut or divide into section.

sentence: A big company must have more than one section.

Estimate- verb.To form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the worth
Noun. An approximate judgment or calculation, as of the value

sentence: We estimate the number of cars in the UAE and it is about 1000000.

Majority- noun, plural. The greater part or number; the number larger than half the total

sentence: The majority in the UAE are the foreigners.

Specifically- adjective. Having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying
Noun. Something specific, as a statement, quality, detail

sentence: The policeman explained the problem specifically.

Unidentifiable- verb. To recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing

sentence: I have a car which is unidentifiable.

Evidence- noun. That which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof
Verb. To make evident or clear; show clearly; manifest

sentence: The thief left the evidence behind.

Method- noun. A procedure, technique, or way of doing something.

sentence: The math teacher gave us the method to solve the problem.

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