Sunday, May 30, 2010

log book 2 abdulrahman

Time: 8:43to 8:58 date: 26/5/2010
Subject: smoking
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Saturday, May 29, 2010

log book 2 saif

Time: 10:51 to 10:58 date: 30/5/2010
Subject: pollution
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good but he was looking to the teacher almost and he read from the notes.
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 mohammed hasan

Time: 8:31 to 8:43 date: 26/5/2010
Subject: Population in Dubai
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 mohson

Time: 8:30 to 8:50 date: 26/5/2010
Subject: recycling paper
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

log book 2 ahmed ali

Time: 11:00 to 11:13 date: 30/5/2010
Subject: soft drinks
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 rashid

Time: 9:34 to 9:41 date: 26/5/2010
Subject: Egypt
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 abdulla khalid

Time: 9:30 to 9:50 date: 26/5/2010
Subject: bank cabal
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words:no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 almutnher

Time: 8:46 to 9:01 date: 26/5/2010
Subject: divorce in the UAE
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 9
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Fahad

Time: 1:44 to 1:51 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: tire recycling
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Mohammed alzaabi

Time: 1:26 to 1:43 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: obesity
Introduction: The introduction was clear and good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable, he read from the computer while the presentation
Eye contact: good
Slides: 15
Colorful: yes
Clear: not all
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 saoud

Time: 12:49 to 1:06 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: crimes in Dubai
Introduction: The introduction was clear and good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable but he read form the notes while he presentation
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes but he didn’t shows a picture
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: not all because there are new words I didn’t know it.

log book 2 ahmed albraiky

Time: 12:39 to 12:48 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: Traffic Congestion
Introduction: The introduction was clear but short
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: yes
Too many words: No
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 mohammed saleh

Time: 12:24 to 12:35 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: hackers
Introduction: The introduction was clear
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: yes
Too many words: Yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Faisal

Time: 12:04 to 12:15 date: 25/5/2010
Introduction: The introduction was clear
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good but he was looking to the teacher
Slides: 13
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: yes
Not too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes
Grammar Mistakes: I didn’t notes

Saturday, May 22, 2010

log book abdulla masoud

date: 23/05/10 time: 10:25 to 10:40

I think the introduction was clear and clear
I used notes and I read form it sometime and I think the eye contact was good but I was nerves.
The slides were colorful, clear; relevant I think the words in the slide are good and enough.
Content: I explain the causes and the problem and I think I explain a possible solutions.
Language: I used some difficult words and I couldn’t say it, and I also make crammer mistake.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

20 word

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - adjective - word meaning fantastic.

sentence:I want to be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious at everything.

Finance- –noun
The management of revenues; the conduct or transaction of money matters generally.

sentence: I want to be a finance manager.

Legal- Adjective Permitted by law
–noun A person who acts in a legal manner or with legal authority.

sentence: The age of 18 is the legal age of driving.

Contract-noun-An agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified.
Adjective: Under contract; governed or arranged by special contract: a contract carrier.

sentence: We signed a contract with a big company to build our home.

Economic -Adjective: Pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities

sentence: I'm trying to read an economic newspaper but it's boring.

Interpretverb- to explain something; give an explanation.

sentence: I am trying to interpret what I read

Established- verb-bring into being on a firm or stable basis.

sentence: The telephone was established in 1876.

Individualadjective single; particular; separate: to number individual copies of a limited edition.

sentence: I did an individual project.

Environment- noun-The aggregate of surrounding things.

sentence: Keeping the environment clean is society's duty.

Beneficial- adjective-Conferring benefit; advantageous; helpful: the beneficial effect of sunshine.

sentence: The cars are beneficial but they cause a lot of pollution.

Assess- verb. To estimate officially the value

sentence: My teacher will assess this work.

Functionnoun. The kind of action or activity proper to a person
Verb. To perform a specified action or activity

sentence: My brother function in the society is a lawyer.

Structure- noun. mode of building, construction, or organization

sentence: The managers know the structure of the company.

Sections- noun. A part that is cut off or separated
Verb -To cut or divide into section.

sentence: A big company must have more than one section.

Estimate- verb.To form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the worth
Noun. An approximate judgment or calculation, as of the value

sentence: We estimate the number of cars in the UAE and it is about 1000000.

Majority- noun, plural. The greater part or number; the number larger than half the total

sentence: The majority in the UAE are the foreigners.

Specifically- adjective. Having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying
Noun. Something specific, as a statement, quality, detail

sentence: The policeman explained the problem specifically.

Unidentifiable- verb. To recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing

sentence: I have a car which is unidentifiable.

Evidence- noun. That which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof
Verb. To make evident or clear; show clearly; manifest

sentence: The thief left the evidence behind.

Method- noun. A procedure, technique, or way of doing something.

sentence: The math teacher gave us the method to solve the problem.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

log book

Date: 11.04.2010
Start Time: 11:42
Finish time: 11:55
Venue: F52
Presenters: Abdulla Masoud + Ahmed Al Braiky
Subject: Water Consumption
How many:12
• Colorful: most of the pictures were colorful
• Informative : the presentation was informative
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting
Body language: I think we were good at body language but I was nervous so I did make some mistakes.
Eye contact: I think we did well on eye contact but we also read some words from the slides, and I used a note.
English: The English language is accurate and clear
Questions: They asked questions during the presentation and we answered them carefully.

log book Salem Hasan presentation

Date: 18.04.2010
Start Time: 10:20
Finish time: 10:33
Venue: F52
Presenters: Salem Hasan
Subject: Smoking
How many: 8
• Colorful: most of the pictures were colorful.
• Informative: the presentation was informative.
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting.
Body language: he was good at the body language
Eye contact: very good and he saw all the students and he also used a note.
English: The English language is accurate and clear.
Questions: we asked questions during the presentation and he answered them carefully.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

log book Rashid

Date: 13.04.2010
Start Time: 12:12
Finish time: 12:20
Venue: F52
Presenters: Rashid
Subject: smoking
How many:8
• Colorful: most of the pictures were good and colorful.
• Informative : the presentation was informative.
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting.
Body language: good.
Eye contact: no eye contact because he was watching the presentation.
English: The English language is accurate and clear.
Questions: we asked questions during the presentation and he answered them carefully.

log book Sultan+ Mohammed Al Zaabi

Date: 13.04.2010
Start Time: 12:56
Finish time: 12:10
Venue: F52
Presenters: Sultan+ Mohammed AL Zaabi
Subject: business
How many:10
• Colorful: most of the pictures were good and colorful
• Informative : the presentation was informative
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting
Body language: They were good at the body language.
Eye contact: very good and they saw all the students. Sultan read from the notes while Mohammed spoke and they sometime read from slides.
English: The English language is accurate and clear.
Questions: we asked questions during the presentation and they answered them carefully.

log book Mohammed Saleh + Saoud

iDate: 13.04.2010
Start Time: 12:35
Finish time: 12:54
Venue: F52
Presenters: Mohammed Saleh+ Saoud
Subject: preserving our culture
How many:8
• Colorful: most of the pictures were good and colorful
• Informative : the presentation was informative
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting
Body language: They were good at the body language
Eye contact: very good and they saw all the students.
English: The English language was accurate and clear.
Questions: we asked questions during the presentation and they answered them carefully.

log book saif and faisal

Date: 13.04.2010
Start Time: 12:20
Finish time: 12:33
Venue: F52
Presenters: Saif Mohammed+ Faisal
Subject: UAE in the past
How many:15
• Colorful: most of the pictures were good
• Informative : the presentation was informative
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting
Body language: They were good at the body language
Eye contact: very good and they saw all the students and they use notes but they didn’t read from the notes but Faisal sometime read from the slides.
English: The English language is accurate and clear.
Questions: we asked questions during the presentation and they answered them carefully.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

log book Fahad + Mohammed Hasan

Date: 11.04.2010
Start Time: 11:41
Finish time: 11:47
Venue: F52
Presenters: Fahad + Mohammed Hasan
Subject: recycling
How many: 10
• Colorful: most of the pictures were colorful
• Informative : the presentation was informative
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting
Body language: They were good at the body language, they put their hands on their backs, and Mohammed was playing with his fingers.
Eye contact: very good and they saw all the students and Fahad smiled.
English: The English language was accurate and clear.
Questions: we asked questions during the presentation and they answered them carefully.

log book Abdulrahman and Mohsen

Date: 11.04.2010
Start Time: 11:25
Finish time: 11:40
Venue: F52
Presenters: abdullrahman + muhson
Subject: UAE in 1960 and 1970
How many: 15
• Colorful: most of the pictures were colorful
• Informative : the presentation was informative
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting
Body language: They were good at the body language
Eye contact: very good and they saw all the students.
English: The English language was accurate and clear
Questions: we asked questions during the presentation and they answered them carefully.

log book for Abdulla and Munther

Date: 11.04.2010
Start Time: 10:50
Finish time: 11:05
Venue: F52
Presenters: Abdulla Khalid + Munther
Subject: Toyota cars company
How many:11
• Colorful: most of the pictures were colorful
• Informative : the presentation was informative
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting
Body language: They were good at the body language
Eye contact: very good and they saw all the students, but Abdulla used to read sometimes from the notes.
English: The English language was accurate and clear.
Questions: we asked questions during the presentation and they answered them carefully.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

log book

Date: 30.03.2010
Start Time: 12.23
Finish time: 12.45
Venue: F52
Presenters: Ahmed Ali + Hedley
Subject: polluted cities worldwide
Slides: Ahmed showed the slides about different countries and Hedley spoke about the presentation and they were the entire team.
• How many:11
• Colorful: most of the pictures were colorful
• Informative : the presentation was informative
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting
Body language: The teacher was good at the body language but he also put his hand in his pocket. Ahmed was not good enough in body language.
Eye contact: very good and they saw all the students.
English: The English language was accurate and clear
Questions: we asked questions during the presentation and they answered them carefully.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Aims of meeting

We had a meeting one week ago with a group of 4 members. There was a chairman who starts the meeting and his name is Mohammed Saleh and there was a secretary who was active in the meeting and his name is Ahmed Abdulrahman and the participant who disagrees about the subject which we discuss together and his name is Abdulla Masoud. Mohammed started the meeting at 12:45 pm and asked us many questions about the gender integration and Ahmed wrote all the information on a blank sheet and I sometimes agreed with him and sometimes disagreed because there were wrong ideas and there were also wonderful ideas that I liked and it was when some student got a GPA more than 3 he will study in a mixed class and the lazy student will do better to join the mixed class. After that Mohammed closed the meeting at 1:00 pm.

Date: 23/2/2010
Time: 12:45 pm
Place: F52 (CL3)
Group members: Mohammed Saleh, Ahmed AL Braiky, Abdulla Masoud and Saoud Abdullah.
1- Solution of problem.
2- Goal of gender integration.
3- Problem of gender integration.

Mohammed called the meeting to order at 12:45pm.
1- Mohammed said the scientists proved that it is better to study in a mixed class.
2- Ahmed mentioned some solutions for the mixed class, such as putting cameras in the class room to watch them.
3- Abdulla Masoud said that the good students will go to the mixed class to get better and improve their study ways and the weak students will be in a normal class.

They agreed with me and with Ahmed and disagreed with some solutions such as putting security guys in the classroom.

Mohammed asked it there was any other business and he closed the meeting at 1:00pm.

The good thing in the meeting was the leadership and we can improve this by practice. I learned how to do well in the meeting.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hi my name is Abdulla. Today I’d like to introduce my best friend and tell you about him. Ahmed Al Mansoori was born in Al Corniche hospital in Abu Dhabi city and he grew up in Between Two Bridges and he studies in the HCT College. Ahmed has a small family and he is the youngest one and he has a brother who studies in America for a master degree. Ahmed has a Toyota car and he wants to sell it and buy a GM motor. When Ahmed has free time he likes to spend it with his friends and he also goes to the gym. At the end of every week he goes to Dubai. Now you know a little about him.

His ambition is to be a businessman to make a lot of money.

His best holiday was when he went to Switzerland with his brother in the summer, because he hadn't been to Switzerland before and he enjoyed it there because he ate a lot of chocolate.

The best thing in the ADMC is making new friendships.

The worst thing about ADMC is the attendance.