Saturday, December 19, 2009


The most important liquid in the world is water; there is no life without water. Water flow is an important facility which can be founded easily, but there are a number of factors which impede water flow. Pollution water flowing from rivers, wells, lakes and other water resources are results of human waste inadvertently. This pollution cause many problems because we drink water contaminated without knowing it contains germs. More than 5 million people each year die because of contaminated water.
Over the globe there is 72% which is covered by water but not all water is drinkable. Humans can find water and make it useful for all people and countries.( At the same time the process of making water drinkable needs efforts and money, which makes it difficult to some countries and people who do not have facilities and money. India and Somalia are some examples of these countries which can not buy water which then forces them to drink and use contaminated water. These poor countries are suffering from a wide range of diseases which is caused by contaminated water. It starts with simple diseases and with uneducated people and with no knowledge these diseases can be developed in the human body and become fatal. All over the world there are lots of people who die of diseases caused by water contamination.( In addition people can be affected by eating crops that are irrigated by contaminated water.

Water pollution is one of the first topics of concern in the field of scientists; there are two reasons for water pollution; first the importance of water. Water is included in all biological processes and industrial; organisms cannot live without it. The second reason is because water covers more than 70% of the earth's area. There are many factors which cause water pollution. One of them is contaminated rain water, that leads to ocean and sea pollution, which leads to poisoning of marine organisms; also it affects humans. Another source is sewage. Sewage is contaminated with soap, detergents, and some types of harmful bacteria and microbes, and when you move the sewage into rivers and lakes( that may lead to pollution as well. Industry waste is another source of water pollution. They include the bits and pieces of food factories, chemical and synthetic fibers, which lead to water pollution. The fourth factor is nuclear reactors. They cause heat pollution of water, which harmfully affects the environment and their lives. Pollution resulting from oil spill to the sea and ocean is a result of the sinking of tankers. Among the reasons for pollution of sea water is also oil. During search operations and searching at the end of the sixties oil flowed from the shores of the United State of America, and it resulted in a large oil slick eight hundred miles long in the Pacific Ocean, and this led to the deaths of countless seabirds and dolphins, fish and marine organisms as a result of pollution.




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